Warning for an unclear market | Masih Rezvani

Warning for an unclear market



The markets are throwing the hissy fit we’ve been predicting, but the Fed is showing more determination than anyone expected.

The problem is, there’s nothing the Fed will be able to do about inflation, and once investors realize this some assets are going to crater…and others are going to soar.

Gold is flat today. So are most of the rest of the markets, except for the Nasdaq and crypto, which are dropping as I write.

It seems like we’re momentarily in the eye of the storm, and the turmoil is about to begin once more.


Consider the situation we’re now facing:

  • Central banks – led by the Federal Reserve – are intent to fight off rising inflation with rate hikes….
  • The markets are responding with massive sell-offs, sending a very clear message to the Fed to lay off….
  • Inflation remains at 1970s levels — and while the peak is likely behind us, prices are going to continue rapidly rising for months and even years to come….
  • With today’s towering debt loads, the Fed simply can’t afford to raise rates high enough to stem the inflationary surge.
  • In fact, the Fed will be forced at some point to not only return to easy-money policies, but at levels far greater than before.

The big difference between today and similar crisis points like the 2008 financial crisis and the 2020 Covid response is that things are happening much more quickly.

Instead of turning back from its rate hikes in 18-24 months as I’d expected, I think the turning point could come by late summer or early fall…or even sooner.

With all of this and more going on, many investors are caught like deer in the headlights, unsure of which way to turn.

But a few others are quietly confident, taking comfort in one unassailable fact:
The our courses will comes in full force.

As you know, we’ve just opened registration for this year’s for our courses
Our phones have been ringing and our email inboxes bursting with inquiries from across the globe.

This event is not to be missed!

the fundamentals and technicals are lined up perfectly for the precious metals, commodity and mining stock opportunities that the our courses is renowned for offering.

As I just noted above, the Fed will have to reverse course soon. And when it does, there’s going to be havoc in the investment markets.

What does it all mean?

It means there’ll be big winners and big losers. It means you’re now facing tremendous risks and opportunities…and you have to be prepared for what’s coming.

also , we’ve already lined up an extraordinary trainers …drawing heavily on the wildly popular experts from many years…with many more still to come.

Consider who’s told us they’re coming to talk to you so far:

Again, there’s much more to come — we’re still in the early stages of planning this year’s event, and I’ve got some big surprises in store.

But even at this early date, one thing seems certain…
our courses 2023 Is Going To Be A Blockbuster As you know, we just opened registration for our courses 2024.

I urge you to be among the first to secure your place.

You see, I don’t think I remember an investment event as eagerly awaited as this one. Everything — the years spent mired in the pandemic…the macro-economic set-up…the geopolitical uncertainty…the teetering stock markets…soaring inflation…commodities taking off…and the Fed’s upcoming retreat on monetary tightening — our training courses 2024 a must- so please don’t waste the time / register and attend event.